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Sunday, October 09, 2011

32.What is life without research?

The Nesamony Research Forum was inaugurated  in Nesamony Memorial Christian College, Marthandom  on Friday, 07 October 2011.   Dr. James   R. Daniel, [former Principal of  Scott Christian College,  Nagercoil], who is  blessed  with a gift of the gab,  enlightened the audience through  anecdotes and   hard hitting facts which evoked in everyone present that  the need of the   hour in  campuses across India is nothing but   research with a social relevance.

In the course of his speech,  Dr. Daniel  presented a few facts about  research in general and teaching in particular which should interest  teachers in institutions of Higher Learning. The following are excerpts from his speech:

It is  the duty of the teacher to constantly ask critical questions to his students. Teachers should compliment research with teaching and develop a research mindset and attitude. The research you undertake should  be local, indigenous and  be related to issues which the people face. You should learn to integrate yourself with humanity,  think globally and  act locally. That is, you should  learn to implement your programmes  in your place, your city  or your district.  You should strive to fuse, integrate ideas and focus on drawing material  from the primary sources and  not just by downloading as many researchers do.

Remember the popular APPLE motto “Think Different”.

What is important is ‘Quality’... in presentation, citation and in the impact factor.  Unfortunately the trend seen is  that :

You copy from one book   and it becomes plagiarism
You copy from ten books and   write a thesis
You copy from hundred books and publish two books!

True,  the ‘publish or perish’  trend in the West is catching on. During the Pan IIT Summit held recently, the goal for IIT students have become ‘Deliver or Die’. 


Mr. N. R. Narayana Murthy  of Infosys Technologies Limited who addressed the IIT alumni is supposed to have made two startling statements:

1.     The quality of students coming out of IIT’s is a grave concern for all of us... there is a tremendous deterioration in quality. Only 20% of those who pass out are good  and 80% are devoid of  any quality despite the huge investments the  government makes  for IIT’s.

2.     The most obvious reason for the fall in standard is  the tenure system of the faculty. The time has come to introduce  the five year contract appointment system. The tenure system stagnates and corrupts .

Dr. Daniel concluded his  enthralling address by substituting the word ‘research’ for the word ‘money, in a  popular doggerel :
Research is honey
My dear sonny
Without research
Life is funny

.... So, what is life for teachers without  research ?  Any comments ??

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